Cubs Insider T-Shirt Giveaway

Are you a loyal Cubs Insider reader who’s been looking for the perfect way to prove your undying allegiance to the world? Maybe you just want some free swag. Whatever the reason, we’re looking to make your wildest dreams come true with a fantabulous contest to give away a free t-shirt.

The rules are pretty simple; all it takes is a Twitter account and a home address. The former is required to enter the contest and the latter is so that I can send you the spoils of victory. And so that I can creep on you. But mostly just send you a shirt.

Here’s the deal: tweet out something along the lines of “I want to win a Cubs Insider t-shirt” and be sure to include a link to the site (homepage or one of the articles) and also #CubsInsiderShirt. Rather than just do a random drawing of all the entrants though, I wanted to jazz things up a bit. I also want a little help in terms of proselytizing for the site.

To that end, I’m giving points for every favorite and retweet your post receives and the most points wins. Get creative with it; pictures, pleas, etc are welcome (just try to keep it clean, kids). I’m going to keep the contest open through the end of the the first half of the season, which means you’ve got through Sunday, July 12th to submit your entries.

Enter as often as you like, just know that I’ll not be combining your scores; each tweet will be its own entry. The prize will be the CI Bottle Opener T, which has the site’s name in Star Wars-y font on the front and — you guessed it — a bottle opener tab sewn into the hem. And it comes in any color you want, as long as you want black.

Heck, if things go really well, I might even be convinced to spring for the Twitter Handle Performance T, which you can customize with your own Twitter handle (or just keep mine and help me pick up two more followers). That one comes in blue, neon yellow, white, and gray, an array Henry Ford would have found dizzying.

And hey, if you’re just dying to get your hands on one of our shirts and you’d like to support the site without making me dig into my own (admittedly super-deep) pockets to clothe you, go check out our store.