Who’s Ready For Some Cubs Hype Videos?
As I write this, the Astros are leading the Yankees in the 7th inning of the AL Wild Card game, which means there are roughly 22 hours until the Cubs play again. With that in mind, I wanted to share a couple Cubs hype videos I caught wind of this morning. You may have see them already, but I can’t imagine stuff like this getting old right now.
I don’t normally make it a practice to seek these things out, as a lot of them are just cheap clips crudely pasted together. But as I sat in the airport early this morning with a need to fill the baseball void, the two items above really helped out. These were my favorite Cubs-related motion pictures of the past couple days though.
Weary from traveling and missing my family on Monday, I had asked my wife to send me some videos. No, not those kind of videos. C’mon. I had actually re-posted the collection of highlights from all 13 Cubs walk-off wins to Facebook, which drew a snarky comment from my wife about who would want to watch those. I guaranteed her that our son would and that he would cheer loudly and that she should record his reaction.
I haven’t uploaded them to YouTube or anything, but here he is watching walk-offs from both Chris Denorfia and Kris Bryant. It doesn’t mean quite the same to you, faithful reader, but seeing my little boy cheering for his Cubs painted a huge smile on my face and made me even happier than the IPA and steak in front of my as I watched him.
May you have the same childlike enthusiasm as you watch your team.