Cubs Insider Needs Your Help for an Ambitious Project
I suppose some of you are just here out of an inexplicable admiration for my purple prose, but a majority of you visit this site because you’re Cubs fans. We share an affection for one of history’s most hapless, snakebit teams and we’ve all got different reasons for picking up that torch and for keeping it lit through years of wind and wind. But why?
That’s I want to learn. I want you, the readers, to tell the small corner of the world that patronizes Cubs Insider why you’re a fan. I’m not putting a limit on the number of entries and I’m only going to edit your responses inasmuch as readability requires. I understand that some of you may be apprehensive about sharing your words with the world, but rest assured I’ll treat them with care. My goal is to preserve the emotion and integrity of your story.
As you might imagine, having an open end on the entries could really turn into a no trout post, so I will set some parameters. First, please limit it to 250 words. It can be less, but I want to make sure I keep the stories succinct and compelling. Try to include your name, age, and where you live/lived. Ideally, we’ll end up with a nice cross-section of folks from different ages and locations.
With that in mind, all you need to do is finish this thought: “I became a Cubs fan because…” When you’ve laid your thoughts out, simply email them to me at dealtman@gmail.com and wait patiently for the finished work to run. I’d love to really make this a big project, so I’m not sure exactly how long I’ll leave it open. Ideally, its publishing will coincide with pitchers and catchers reporting. That seems like a nice dovetailing of all the feels.
I’m really excited about this and can’t wait to read what all of you have to share.