Javy Baez’s Best Defensive Plays of 2016 Ranked
INot gonna bother with a lot of context here, as the title and the videos are really all you need. I plan to curate this list over time, so feel free to comment or tweet me with the links to other plays I’ve missed. One quick note though: these videos are NSFW and you might want to have a cold compress or a shower nearby when you watch them.
And if you make it to the end and you’re thirsty for more, check out this musical montage of Javy’s best tags as compiled by Cubs Related’s Corey Freedman.
1) I don’t care that it was overturned on replay, this is too insane to not be at the top.
2) You may think I’m ranking this way too high, but the balletic movement and balance he displays is crazy.
3) Javy risks life and limb to dive into the stands for a pop foul.
4) Barehand, on the move, great throw.
5) Dude, that relay.
6) You know you’re a freak when a diving stab and throw across the diamond from your knees isn’t top 5.
7) Fundamentals? Let the right fielder get it? Nah.
8) That’s a long run to get to the tarp.
9) Yawn, just a run-of-the-mill sliding, snagging, lollipop-throwing slice of awesome.
10) It might not look too crazy, but then you see he was blowing a bubble as he made the play.
11) I glove you, man.
12) Laying out for an infield pop? Why not? Plus, it was on Ichiro.
13) We’ve already seen him do the barehanded thing, but this one’s against Cutch.
14) The throw kinda hurts him here, but it’s still nice.
15) Par for the course, but the throw from his backside was impressive.
I know there are more, but I’m too lazy to hunt them all down and embed them. Feel free to peruse the entire catalog over at MLB.com though. And because they’re in a class all their own, here are a couple different tag montages set to classical music. Oh my.