The Son Ranto Show is Dropping Mad Shows, Yo!

Got any long trips coming up? Son Ranto's got you covered...

Unintentionally, I let a backlog of Son Ranto Shows pile up for our ad-ridden free feed. Between the Cubs losing nearly their entire rotation, an attempted overthrow of the government, and throwing our own Cubs Convention, I’ve been a little too busy to share what Crawly, Michael, and I have recorded! Of course, you could subscribe to our Patreon for 10 bucks a year and always get our shows early and ad-free. Or watch us live on Wednesday nights.  But if you prefer our old fashioned podcast feed. I’m dropping over 8 hours of unadulterated Cubs content for your listening pleasure.

Make sure to tune in to The Unconventional! It’s a star-studded event featuring Cubs Media Superstars, David Kaplan, Brett Taylor, Luis Medina, Sara Sanchez, Greg Huss, Evan Altman, Michael Cerami, Joe Kilgallon, Matt Kammerer, Stewart McVicar, Mai Tai Guy, and Bleacher Jeff.

Subscribe at any of these fine podcasting establishments: Apple PodcastsStitcherSpotify.

Sara Sanchez discusses the Darvish trade.

Cubs get Boog. Capitol gets stormed.

The Unconventional!

And Tune in Wednesday at 8 and hear us complain about the Cubs not signing Lester.